
Happy Earth Day

I love Earth Day. I love the beautiful place that I live. I love creating eco-friendly products. And I love Mother Earth.

I was thrilled when I received an email from the lovely people of Poppytalk about this awesome contest they are having now through May 7. I am thrilled to be a part of the Green Pop Market which is currently up on Poppytalk Handmade. For more information about how you can enter the contest, click here. Good luck!

...and speaking of Mother Earth, I spent the weekend in Arizona with friends in the woods. The drive up from the valley was a spectacular sight, as the desert was in bloom. I will be posting photos very soon!


NEW: left brain/right brain note book

This note book has two sides, just like our minds. The pages for the left side are lined for lists and notes to appease the analytical left side of the brain.

The pages for the right side are blank and ready to be filled with sketches and doodles for the creative right side of the brain.

Now available at Etsy.


Happiness = Raditude

I love the morning after a night of rain. The earth and air are clean and crisp. The plants look fresh and alive. And the smog has been erased from the horizon.

I had to drive up to North County for some supplies, which is normally a daunting task and a huge interruption to my day. But this morning I looked forward to spending a few hours in the car, listening to the latest Weezer album as loud as I wanted. A poppy delight!


Poppytalk Handmade

REDSTAR ink is being featured on Poppytalk Handmade as part of "Green Pop" an "Eco-themed and Mother's Day Market". Poppytalk Handmade is a monthly online street market curated by Poppytalk to showcase, buy and sell handmade goods of emerging design talent from around the world.

REDSTAR ink is in good company. There are many other amazing indie artists featured as well so stop by and take a gander!


Beauty in the Mundane

I have been doing some work at the Navy base on Coronado Island for the past week. While Coronado is beautiful, North Island is not. And the job I am doing is less than exciting. As I walked in to the laboratory today I had to pause at the beautiful blooms on the trees outside. So lovely and vibrant, I stopped to snap a picture with my iphone, using the hipstamatic application.